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Monday, December 14, 2009

Homemade baby food

Green Bean Baby Food

You are probably thinking, "Who has time for that?" The first time I made his food, I was so surprised by how easy and quick it was to make. 

There are some great reasons to making your own baby food. Personally I love that I know exactly what Ryder is eating. I don't have to worry about fillers, additives or preservatives commonly found in commercial baby food.  Vitamin A and B are retained far more in homemade food. Another benefit is the money you will save. 

I thought today would be a great day to get all my vegetables out and start steaming, baking and pureeing. My husband was working from home (benefit of being a mortgage broker) and so I had some time to peel, chop and cook Ryders veggies. I first steamed carrots. (Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention and burnt my pot into oblivion. I took it outside and threw it in the snow, haha not sure that was a smart idea.) The fire alarm was going off so we were running around opening all the doors and windows. Not the best day for that as it was -7 outside. Anyways, back to making my food :) I baked sweet potatos, yams and apples in a little water. Once they were soft enough I put them in the blender and pureed them. I then spooned it out into ice cube trays. This is a great way to make big quantities and freeze them for later use. When I need some food for Ryder I just pull out 3 different cubes to defrost and eat. 

There are many ways to prepare the fruits and vegetables for baby food. Boiling, steaming, mashing, baking and straining if necessary. Don't bother preparing banana's as they are easy enough to mash. 

If you are going to store in the fridge, do not feed your baby from the container and then re-store. Saliva may contaminate the food and bacteria may grow. Also find out which fruits and vegetables are suitable for the age of your baby. 

Have fun! My only advice-Don't burn the pot! :) 

Please check out Baby Centre community to see the cost comparison of homemade baby food to vs. commercial. Cost Comparison

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