The first thing you see when you wake up every morning is your bedroom. It sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you open your eyes to clutter, you will start your day feeling overwhelmed. (The last thing you need before the kids are even up!) But, if you open your eyes to organization just think of the motivation you will feel an how that can carry through the rest of your day.
I took this to heart today and got a garbage bag, a Big Brothers bag and started going through my old clothes. I tend to keep all these clothes I know I will never wear. Of course you say to yourself "I might wear this someday." I think the rule of thumb should be this- If you have not worn an item of clothing in a year-Donate it! This is also a great way to get started on your new fabulous wardrobe!
Create piles for similar clothing items such as shirts, jeans, jogging pants, underwear and socks... Then put them back according to your piles. You can also organize by style and color.
Use Drawer Organizers
to help organize and protect your delicates from damage.
I managed to get rid of a full bag of clothes. I also made room for my next shopping trip :)
Feels good to check one more thing off the list!